Yara Make Your Own Rules
dc404: 17 Oct 2020 presentation notes and link dump
Yara is a really useful tool for matching patterns in files and data
developed by the Virustotal team. It has applications across many
fields of information security and a vibrant online community. Along
with Snort Suricata it’s a key language for threat research and defense
operations, and has interesting applications for red, purple, and
(rainbow) teams too…
- What’s Yara , what’s it for?
- What cool tricks can you do with Yara + rules ?
- Where can I get some free rules ?
- Link Dump
- Q&A
Yara is …
- “YARA, the “pattern matching swiss knife for malware researchers (and everyone else)” is developed by @plusvic and @VirusTotal.”
- rules made up of strings and conditions (and the engine that evaluates them)
- rules can be really simple
- can be pretty complex too when you need it
- strings are just bytes, and there are wildcards and loops :)
- Yes, you can use regular expressions too, if you are into that kind of thing eyebrow
Yara editor support
- For VSCode in the plugin market or from @infosec-intern vscode-yara
- For Vim try vim-syntax-vara ( via @JohnTwC on Twitter )
Example rules
- always_true (from OSQuery Yara manual
- eicar ( by AirBNB on GitHub, found in blog “OPERATION CLEANUP: ERADICATING MALWARE WITH OSQUERY AND KOLIDE” by Spartan2194 )
- WTH is EICAR?: http://www.eicar.org/86-0-Intended-use.html
- More fun with EICAR: https://biebermalware.wordpress.com/2017/05/10/playing-with-eicar-take-ii/
- PyInstaller ( me, str_py2exe.yara )
- Once upon a pentest…
- TODO Gentil Kiwi ( All hail Benjamin Delphy! https://github.com/gentilkiwi inspired by Volatility yarascan docs))
Test rules
rule always_true
purpose = "testing"
source = "https://osquery.readthedocs.io/en/latest/deployment/yara/"
rule eicar_av_test {
Per standard, match only if entire file is EICAR string plus optional trailing whitespace.
The raw EICAR string to be matched is:
description = "This is a standard AV test, intended to verify that BinaryAlert is working correctly."
author = "Austin Byers | Airbnb CSIRT"
reference = "http://www.eicar.org/86-0-Intended-use.html"
$eicar_regex = /^X5O!P%@AP\[4\\PZX54\(P\^\)7CC\)7\}\$EICAR-STANDARD-ANTIVIRUS-TEST-FILE!\$H\+H\*\s*$/
all of them
// Practice Yara rule: check for string artifacts of py2exe builds
rule has_pythonscript_label
$pyscript_label = "PYTHONSCRIPT"
rule has_py2exe_err_string
$py2exe_activation_error = "py2exe failed to activate the "
rule possible_py2exe_created_file
has_pythonscript_label and has_py2exe_err_string
- mimikatz
Some Yara Tricks
Yara scanning files
- better than hash checks
- though hash research advances:
- https://blogs.jpcert.or.jp/ja/2016/05/impfuzzy.html
- though hash research advances:
- better than mere
strings -a
- as seen in CISA MARs and other fine products,helping you hunt for
- Hidden Cobras:
- https://us-cert.cisa.gov/ncas/analysis-reports/ar20-045g#yara
- Flying Kittens:
- https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/cat-scratch-fever-crowdstrike-tracks-newly-reported-iranian-actor-flying-kitten/
- Evil Pythons
- https://github.com/DFIRnotes/rules/blob/master/str_py2exe.yara
- and other fantastic beasts
- Hidden Cobras:
- in osquery !
Yara scanning memory
- behaviour > simple indicator matches
- “malware can hide but it has to run” -Alyssa, FOR526
- Live “gentilkiwi demo” in Windows 7 VM ???
Yara scanning network traffic ?
- In Suricata, vis LuaJIT engine: https://github.com/B0fH/yara-suricata
- In Zeek, BlackHat 2019 talk by David Bernal @d4v3c0d3r “Detecting malicious files with YARA rules as they traverse the network” slides paper video
- with MITRE Chopshop: https://www.mitre.org/capabilities/cybersecurity/overview/cybersecurity-blog/scanning-streaming-data-with-yarashop
Link Dump of Yara Resources
Yara project and manuals
- https://virustotal.github.io/yara/
- https://github.com/virustotal/yara
- https://yara.readthedocs.io/en/stable/
Free rules, links to more
- Yara Rules com: https://github.com/Yara-Rules/rules
- Reversing Labs:
- https://www.reversinglabs.com/products/open-source-yara-rules
- https://github.com/reversinglabs/reversinglabs-yara-rules
- https://github.com/mikesxrs/Open-Source-YARA-rules
- https://github.com/InQuest/awesome-yara
free Yara integrations and utilities
- Yara in OSQuery:
- https://osquery.readthedocs.io/en/latest/deployment/yara/ , https://osquery.io/schema/4.5.1/#yara
- Helpful Blog, EICAR examples: https://holdmybeersecurity.com/2020/03/01/operation-cleanup-eradicating-malware-with-osquery-and-kolide/
- CrowdStrike CrowdResponse: https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/crowdresponse-release-new-tasks-modules/
- Yaragen / Yara Generator:
- https://github.com/Neo23x0/yarGen
- https://github.com/Xen0ph0n/YaraGenerator
- Loki scanner: https://github.com/Neo23x0/Loki
- Volatility / Rekall yarascan plugin: https://github.com/volatilityfoundation/volatility/wiki/Command-Reference-Mal#yarascan
- Yara GUI for windows ?
Use Yara with $$ tools
- VirusTotal (Pro) Hunting:
- https://support.virustotal.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000363717-VT-Hunting
- Nextron Systems (Florian Roth)
- https://www.nextron-systems.com/products/
- Fidelis Cyber:
- https://fidelissecurity.com/threatgeek/threat-intelligence/yara-intrusion-prevention/
- Tanium Threat Response:
- When they say “intelligence” they mean “rules”, works pretty well
- https://docs.tanium.com/threat_response/threat_response/intel.html#Configure_YARA_files
- FireEye Email:
- https://www.fireeye.com/blog/products-and-services/2018/12/detect-and-block-email-threats-with-custom-yara-rules.html
Yara in free classes
- https://www.enisa.europa.eu/topics/trainings-for-cybersecurity-specialists/online-training-material/technical-operational#developing-countermeasures
Yara in $$ classes
- Zero2Hero, Automated, BMAC:
- https://courses.zero2auto.com/
- SANS Institute:
- FOR578: https://www.sans.org/cyber-security-courses/cyber-threat-intelligence/
- ICS515: https://www.sans.org/cyber-security-courses/industrial-control-system-active-defense-and-incident-response/
- Kaspersky XTraining: https://www.kaspersky.com/blog/cybersecurity-expert-training/36887/
Talks using Yara
- SANS Webcast - YARA - Effectively using and generating rules (Oct 2018)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5A_O8X_JljI
- CONFidence 2019: “Utilizing YARA to Find Evolving Malware” - Jay Rosenberg
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMZ-c2Zwzjg
- BlackHat 2019 talk by David Bernal @d4v3c0d3r “Detecting malicious files with YARA rules as they traverse the network”
- https://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Wednesday/us-19-Bernal-Detecting-Malicious-Files-With-YARA-Rules-As-They-Traverse-The-Network.pdf
- https://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Wednesday/us-19-Bernal-Detecting-Malicious-Files-With-YARA-Rules-As-They-Traverse-the-Network-wp.pdf
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irai0kk942E
- Resource Efficient Malware Scans with YARA + osquery (osquery@scale 2020) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmmPcopxeEM
- https://dfrws.org/conferences/dfrws-usa-2016/sessions/using-grr-and-rekall-scalable-memory-analysis-part-1
- Me? I read quite a bit, take some hard exams, and teach a little. I haven’t finished college. I work in information security thanks to DC404. My signature block is:
BBSTi, CISSP, GIAC**0x0b, GSE, ITIL, LPI, etc, usw. Information Security Leader & Educator | Twitter, Github: @dfirnotes
- I should be studying for my next exam.
- Soundtrack: HBO Asia Original: Halfworlds (both seasons) and some Nine Inch Nails
Written on October 16, 2020